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incentive management中文是什么意思

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  • 奖励管理


  • On the characteristic of knowledge worker and incentive management for them
  • The realization of incentive management in organizations driven by non - projects
  • The effects of relationship incentive management on buyer - supplier performance
  • Research on the construction of an overall incentive management system in modern enterprises
  • After china gains its entry into wto , chinese enterprises face more cruel competition , which the core is the contest of human resources . it is the key for the reform and restructuring of the state - owned enterprises to design an optimizing system of human resources to attract and motivate elites . fist of all , the introduction of this dissertation introduces and analyzes the typical models of incentive management of human resources in western countries , and at the end of this chapter enlightenment is presented
    本文对国外典型的激励管理模式? ? “美英模式”和“日德模式”进行了较为详尽地介绍和剖析,也对国外国有企业的激励管理模式、私营企业的激励管理同我国国有企业的激励管理进行了比较分析,并得出了国有企业值得借鉴的启示:激励形式要多样化;激励内容要丰富化;激励层次要明确化;激励考评要系统化;激励与约束要结合;激励实施要因地制宜。
  • They discuss the following ideas : fist , the planning and the frame of incentive management in the state - owned enterprises ; second , the inner incentive and constrained mechanics which are explained from managers , technical personnel ; third , the building of sound outside environment including the reform of property right institution , the construction of investment mechanism of human resources , the development of manager and talent market , the independence of supervision organizations , the realization of fair play , the development and perfection
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